As a leading manufacturer that supports the global photo-printing business, we offer products and services that meet the needs of the times, including the QSS Digital Series, which provides high-quality multifunctional printing services, and dry printers, which enable inkjet printing without chemicals. Our product range is extensive, including a wide variety of peripheral devices and optional software.
Inkjet Printer Series

QSS Green IV
A compact DRY minilab that produces a wide variety prints in sizes up to 305mm x 1,757.7mm.
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Introduction video

A large-capacity minilab capable of producing high quality prints accepting a wide range of paper sizes up to 12 x 55 inches (305 x 1,400.0mm).
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Introduction video

QSS Green
A versatile DRY minilab that features automatic duplex printing and is capable of producing an array of value-added products.
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Introduction video
Silver halide Printer Series
QSS-39 Series
A high quality and high capacity Silver Halide printer.
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Introduction video
Smart Picture Creation
Software which makes on-line printing service easy and affordable.
Users can enjoy printing experiences not only at shops but also at home or outside using smart phone and/or computer.
EZ Quick Access
Optional software that can input image files quickly to the EZ controller from several network connected External PCs (Windows/Mac).
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Processing method video
Setting method video
Easy-to-use compact design system “SPB-1” enables users to create a lay-flat type photobook with a small start-up cost. No electric power is required.